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A Home with Catholic Charities Housing’s St. Valentine’s Apartments in Loveland celebrate our grand opening

“A Home with a Coach”

Catholic Charities Housing’s St. Valentine’s Apartments in Loveland celebrate our grand opening

In July of 2016, Daniel lost his 4-year-old to an accidental drowning in Fort Collins. It was a life-altering event that would change the course of his path throughout Northern Colorado.

After a bout of couch surfing and living out of his car in Windsor, Daniel eventually became unhoused in Loveland. He utilized many of the services the city provided for the unhoused community, which led him to a blank application and a pen. Daniel would soon be approved to be one of the first residents of St. Valentine’s Apartments in Loveland and would not have to spend another cold winter night outside again. “I call this home. For me, it is home. And I am so glad to be here. If it was not for Catholic Charities and the City of Loveland and other contributors, we would still be outside.”

He invited the rest of the residents in attendance to join him at the podium as they stood with pride in front of their beautiful new apartment building.

City of Loveland Mayor Jacki Marsh and other city officials also attended the ribbon-cutting event on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. She spoke about a resident of the building who she had gotten to know prior to the building’s opening. “I would see the signs of frostbite on her fingers when she showed me pictures of her family. It was devastating. She came up to me at a city council meeting a few weeks ago and I told her to “go home” in the nicest way possible. She looked shocked by the word ‘home.’ That night was the first one she would be residing here,” said Marsh. “I can’t thank you enough for providing homes to our city.”

The new and innovative supportive housing complex in the Sweetheart City, located at 915 E. 10th Street, provides housing for people who are exiting homelessness. The building has 48 one-bedroom and six two-bedroom units with 54 units. Importantly, St. Valentine is not just a housing complex; it’s a comprehensive solution to address the challenging issues faced by the homeless population.

“This project is more than just a building, it’s a testament to love, support and community. It’s about offering a hand for healing and creating a space where everyone can find a home and hope,” said Justin Raddatz, vice president of Catholic Charities Housing. “We’re proud of our team, our partners and the Loveland entire community who came together to take this project from dream to reality.”