
Donations of household and clothing items help Catholic Charities focus on other resources

When Arlene’s husband of 60 years passed away in September after a short illness, she dreaded the process of cleaning his closet.

“Clothes are very personal,” she reflected. “Touching them, smelling them, remembering when Kenton wore them last was really difficult. But, I was comforted knowing that someone else would be able to use them again.”

Arlene chose to donate Kenton’s clothes to Catholic Charities, knowing they’d be put to good use with the veterans who live at Samaritan House and in their Archdiocesan Housing programs.

“Over the years, Kenton and I had donated many household and clothing items to various charities, but Kenton always felt strongly that our materials ought to be used directly by the people in programs, rather than being re-sold. My husband was a proud Marine so knowing that his favorite clothes will be worn by his fellow veterans would make him extremely happy.”

Catholic Charities of Denver accepts gently used clothing for men, women and children, small household goods (not electronics), new undergarments and personal hygiene items at Samaritan House Downtown (2301 Lawrence Street, enter off Larimer) between 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday – Friday and 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on the weekend.

Donations like Arlene and Kenton’s help Catholic Charities focus monetary resources on programs, rather than purchasing supplies, and allows participants and residents to have the dignity we all deserve.

“I hope a veteran in one of Catholic Charities’ programs proudly wears Kenton’s favorite vest with as much pride as he did,” said Arlene with a smile on her face. “It will make this process of saying goodbye to our beloved papa a little easier for all of us.”