
Marisol Miles Delivers Diapers, Smiles…and Cookies

Before he was born, Mateo’s family moved from Honduras to Colorado for a brighter future. In the eight years since their move, they have experienced challenges, as well as the joys of new life. With growing children to care for and feed, Mateo’s family sometimes relies on community resources to make ends meet. Marisol Family, a ministry of Catholic Charities that provides diapers, wipes, formula and other necessary items, is one of the resources that helps keep the family together.

Mateo’s 23-year-old sister Rosa recently had a child of her own. Every Saturday, Mateo accompanies Rosa to run errands while his mom works. One of their favorite stops is the Marisol Miles mobile event at Queen of Peace Parish to pick up diapers for Mateo and Rosa’s baby. As he often does, Mateo dressed up to pose in front of his favorite truck, before receiving a friendly smile and delicious cookie from a Marisol Family volunteer.

“I am so very grateful to Marisol Family for the help. The kindness shown from volunteers and staff has been incredible,” said Rosa.