With age comes wisdom, but it can also come with a loss of community and independence. Catholic Charities’ Mulroy Senior Center serves adults over 55 with on-site services to prevent isolation by providing a community and assistance specially designed to meet the needs of older adults and empty nesters.
Participants at Mulroy can join in on activities Monday- Thursday from 9-2. P.M. where a nutritious meal provided by Volunteers of America. Margarita Ceballos-Gomez, program coordinator for Mulroy, says, “This meal alone is so essential because some participants are unable to cook for themselves, and it may be the only meal they eat for the day – as they may not have the resources due to lack of transportation to shop for groceries or lack the financial capability to buy nutritious ingredients.”
After enjoying good food and good company, participants are encouraged to build community and have some fun. Many participate in activities such as Tai Chi or yoga, while others work out their brains with puzzles, games and arts and crafts projects.
Mulroy Senior Center is located at 3550 W. 13th Avenue close to Paco Sanchez Park, southwest of Colfax and Federal. The lively center is filled with the art and wisdom of the community. Hanging on the walls are the beautifully completed puzzles and artwork of our community members. One of the most notable projects done was a white board where participants were asked to give a piece of advice to younger generations:
“Live life fully and don’t put yourself in sticky situations”
“Just be who you are. Never give up on yourself and follow your dreams. Never let anyone stand in your way.”
“Look up to older generations – you can learn a lot”.
Mulroy is a wonderful place to find friendship and activities. But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our community members say:
“Mulroy has been my social outlet. After my wife passed, I felt lonely, and I have found a family here.”
“Mulroy has supported me morally, spiritually, and physically. I enjoy the distractions I have here…. “
“Delicious Coffee, exercise, bingo, friends and feeling like I am still part of society. I feel valued and respected. My opinion matters here – I belong here at Mulroy, there is no way you can beat that!”
Moving into this new stage of life can be a difficult transition, but there is no need to go it alone. Here at Mulroy, we have created a community that we are proud of and hope to keep growing.