Respect Life Denver

Respect Life Denver

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Respect Life Denver champions Church teachings regarding the sanctity of all human life, in close collaboration with the Archdiocese of Denver, Catholic parishes and community partners. Together, we strive to educate and inspire youth and adults throughout Northern Colorado on life issues—from conception to natural death. We seek to transform Colorado into a sanctuary where every human being is deeply valued and protected at every stage of life.

Welcoming our new respect life Director, Emma Ramirez! 


Emma joined Catholic Charities in Fall 2023 and has since made a significant impact. She previously served as Operations Manager at Holy Rosary and Parish Engagement Director, where she developed meaningful connections within our communities. Emma brings a strong background in nonprofit management, including her time as program director at Christ in the City in Philadelphia and with the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Education and Human Sciences from the University of Nebraska. In her new role, Emma will lead efforts to promote a culture of life through outreach, education and support for mothers and families. You can reach Emma at

Upcoming Events


The Colorado Catholic Conference is the united voice of the Catholic bishops of Colorado and serves to uphold the dignity of human life and the common good in public policy. The organization leads Colorado Catholics on a variety of issues including pro-life matters and publishes Bishop's Letters, provides legislative bills and analysis of important issues and issues conference statements and testimony.

Colorado Catholic Conference
The United Voice of the Catholic Bishops of Colorado
For 2025 legislative updates, visit here.


  • Provides consultation to and collaboration with parishes, educational and health institutions.
  • Educates pastoral leaders on all life issues
  • Serves as a resource and referral network for specific inquiries
  • Introduces pro-life issues into catechetical forums for adults
  • Provides a referral network for individuals seeking assistance in addressing specialized issues within the pro-life spectrum.
  • Serves as a resource for individuals and groups seeking information on church documents, teaching and related literature.


We are at an incredible time in our nation’s history, given the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2022. Such a historic moment calls for a historic response. And you should be a part of that. If you’ve spent years in the pro-life movement, thank you. If you’re new to it, welcome. And if you’re unsure about what role you can play, join us.


We are at an incredible time in our nation’s history, given the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2022. Such a historic moment calls for a historic response. And you should be a part of that. If you’ve spent years in the pro-life movement, thank you. If you’re new to it, welcome. And if you’re ambivalent about what role you can play, join us.


To view our most current or past editions of the Respect Life Newsletter, click on the links below.


If you would like to sign up for the Respect Life newsletter, please fill out the form below, then click Submit.

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Prayer in the square

Join Prayer in the Square the first Saturday of every month at locations to pray a Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.

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40 days for life 365

Participate in 40 Days for Life 365, the year-round campaign in Denver to pray, fast and keep vigil to end abortion.

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Respect life radio

Hear a new Respect Life Radio interview every week on 1120 AM or on your favorite podcast platform.


This is the place to request that the traveling statue of Our Lady of Fatima visit your parish or school.


If you would like to schedule a presentation for your parish, school or organization, fill out the form below, then click Submit.

Voices for Life United

Thousands of pro-life advocates gathered at this year’s Colorado March for Life at the Colorado State Capitol on Friday, April 12, 2024. With loud voices and bright banners, individuals from pro-life organizations, schools, faith communities and ministries came together to honor the sanctity of life.We're looking forward to the next Colorado March on April 11, 2025. Stay tuned for more details.

Many steps, conversations and connections later, hope and optimism filled the air around the Colorado Capitol. Everyone from infants, toddlers to seniors joined hands and voices for the cause. A sizable number of school-aged students also marched to show their support, and they represented their generation well. It’s truly a blessing to witness thousands of individuals from diverse backgrounds and ages uniting in support of life,” expressed Jeannine Duffield, Director of Respect Life Denver.

Click here to read more.


Footprints is a parish-based ministry that carries women through the journey of an unexpected pregnancy. We know all new mothers need to be empowered and supported. Therefore, our parishes can and should be the support for this unexpected gift from God in view of the difficult journey that can come from choosing life. Small group meetings embrace women with prayer, topical discussions and guidance. Sacraments, scripture and a warm welcome into a life-long relationship with Christ and His Church for both mother and baby are included. Footprints enables our parishes become the first place women seek help, rather than the last. Accompanying workbooks are available in both English and Spanish.

Visit the Footprints Facebook and Instagram pages.


Footprints: An Unexpected Gift from God

Footprints Resources


Parish Ministry Training Video with Valerie Haas

The mission of Footprints is to support the pro-life movement by answering the call of Pope Francis to “heal wounds” and position “the Church as a field hospital after battle” for single Catholic women facing an unexpected pregnancy.

Its purpose is to equip parishes with a practical program designed to support pregnant Catholic women spiritually and emotionally — so that the Church becomes the first place a woman facing an unexpected pregnancy seeks help, rather than the last.

See below four links with program resources (in pdf).

See below the first chapter of the Footprints manual in English and Spanish versions.

Catholic Teachings on Life Issues

“…the very right to life is being denied or trampled upon, especially at the more significant moments of existence: the moment of birth and the moment of death.” — (Evangelium Vitae no. 18, John Paul II)

“Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning to its end; no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being.” (Donum Vitae Intro 5, Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith)

Post-abortion aftermath:
“I would now like to say a special word to women who have had an abortion…do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope…the Father of mercies is ready to give you His forgiveness and His peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.” (Evangelium Vitae no. 99, John Paul II)

“Chastity presupposes respect for the rights of the person, in particular, the right to receive information and an education that respect the moral and spiritual dimensions of human life.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church no. 2344)

Capital Punishment:
“If bloodless means are sufficient to defend human lives against an aggressor and to protect public order and the safety of persons, public authority must limit itself to such means, because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church no. 2267)

“The Church…teaches that each and every marital act must of necessity retain its intrinsic relationship to the procreation of human life. Equally to be condemned…is direct sterilization, whether of the man or of the woman, whether permanent or temporary. Similiarly excluded is any action which either before, at the moment of, or after sexual intercourse, is specifically intended to prevent procreation – whether as an end or as a means.” (Humanae Vitae no. 11 and 14, Paul VI)

“Euthanasia must be called a false mercy, and indeed a disturbing ‘perversion’ of mercy. True ‘compassion’ leads to sharing another’s pain; it does not kill the person whse suffering we cannot bear.” (Evangelium Vitae no. 66, John Paul II)

Embryonic stem cell research and human cloning:
“No objective, even though noble in itself, such as a foreseeable advantage to science, to other human beings, or to society, can in any way justify experimentation on living human embryos or fetuses, whether viable or not, either inside or outside of the mother”s body.” (Donum Vitae no. 4, CDF)

Infertility and In-vitro Fertilization (IVF):
“The suffering of spouses who cannot have children…is a suffering that everyone must understand and properly evaluate. On the part of the spouses, the desire for a child is natural: it expresses the vocation to fatherhood and motherhood inscribed in conjugal love. Nevertheless, marriage does not confer upon the spouses the right to have a child, but only the right to perform those natural acts which are per se ordered to procreation.” (Donum Vitae no. 8)

Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) by St. John Paul II
If you’ve ever wanted to deeply explore the Church’s teachings on the “incomparable worth of the human person”, look no further. Our beloved St. John Paul II’s life was profoundly effected by tragedy in his own family and in his homeland’s invasion by the Nazi regime. He refused to be silent in the face of great injustice and oppression – courageously offering hope and encouragement. It is a large document, so take your time and nourish your soul with these timeless heavenly insights.

Click here for additional websites and resources.

Catholic Sexual Education Principles for Children: Unveiling the Truth

Every child is a unique and irreplaceable individual, deserving of personalized guidance and education that incorporates moral teachings. It is essential for parents to emphasize that Christians are called to live their sexuality in accordance with God's plan, which is rooted in love. They should highlight the positive significance of chastity, as it fosters genuine love and respect for others.

The education on chastity and sexuality should be provided within a comprehensive framework of love-oriented instruction, including:

  • Developing discipline of the senses and the mind.
  • Practicing vigilance and prudence to avoid situations that may lead to sin.
  • Cultivating modesty and moderation in recreational activities.
  • Engaging in wholesome pursuits, frequent prayer and regular participation in the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist.
  • Teaching children to critically evaluate their surroundings.
  • Encouraging detachment when consuming media.
  • Presenting positive role models and appropriate ways to channel their energy.
  • Instilling the meaning and importance of true friendships.

Parents should approach this information with great sensitivity, delivering it clearly and at the right time. While it is counterproductive to provide excessive details, it is also imprudent to delay the initial discussion for too long, considering the natural curiosity of every individual.

Parents should closely monitor the gradual physiological development of their daughters and help them embrace the growth of their femininity in physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects, fostering a joyful acceptance. Boys should be educated about their own stages of development before receiving information from peers, emphasizing the significance of marriage, family and fatherhood, and delivering it positively and discreetly.

Assist your children through the challenges of puberty, empowering them to resist negative external influences that may undermine their commitment to Christian values of love and chastity, such as:

  • Consumer pressures.
  • Relationships with the opposite sex.
  • Speech and behavior.
  • The value of Christian modesty.
  • Appropriate attire.
  • Developing the necessary autonomy and maturity expected of men and women.

Click here for additional websites and resources.

Unlocking Marital Harmony: The Power of Fertility Awareness

Fertility awareness fosters stronger marriages through improved communication and respect, while allowing couples to responsibly postpone pregnancy when necessary—a practice endorsed by the Church. This scientifically informed approach enhances marital understanding and upholds the sacredness of the marital act.

Unlike chemical hormones linked to cancer by the World Health Organization or devices with potential side effects, this natural approach is completely safe. Note: This is not the outdated "rhythm method." These modern, scientific methods enable spouses to track fertility changes within each individual cycle, and embrace a method that empowers women with profound knowledge of their bodies.

For comprehensive information and local instructors in Natural Fertility Awareness, contact the Office of Evangelization and Family Life Ministry in the Archdiocese of Denver at 303.715.3259. Experience the transformative potential of this empowering approach today.

Early Childhood Loss

It often happens in our families that a child dies prior to their birth due to miscarriage, an accident or other reason. In these times of grief, we turn to God for consolation and strength. We offer resources here to assist parents and other family members to deepen their faith and trust in God.

Pastoral Guide: Miscarriage, Stillborn or Newborn Loss
Sample letter for families
Questions and Answers
Parents’ Prayer
Resources for Parents
Suggested Reading List for those who have lost a child

Hope after Poor Prenatal Diagnosis, Ethics and Medics

Clergy Liturgical Aid: Order for the Naming and Commendation of an Infant Who Died before Birth

Example of a Birth Plan for a family facing an adverse diagnosis

Uniting Society: A Path to Healing and Understanding

As we acknowledge the profound divisions within our society, reminiscent of the painful era of slavery during Abraham Lincoln's time, we remain hopeful. Truth, both scientific and moral, has historically triumphed when humanity recognizes the grave injustices present. In our commitment to fostering awareness, we present objective, clinical explanations of abortion procedures by a former physician who performed them for years.

Countless young individuals who once supported abortion have experienced transformative shifts after witnessing these eye-opening videos. At Marisol Health Centers, we have witnessed how women contemplating abortion, when fully informed about these procedures, often undergo a profound change of heart, making choices aligned with their deepest convictions.

For those who have been affected by abortion, whether directly or indirectly, healing and forgiveness await. Discover invaluable resources on Project Rachel's website: Pope John Paul II tenderly speaks to women who have undergone abortions, recognizing the complexities surrounding their decisions and the ensuing pain. He invites them to find solace through honest introspection, repentance, and the Father's abundant mercy available in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Nothing is irretrievably lost, and there is an opportunity for reconciliation even with the child now dwelling in the Lord. Drawing from your own painful experiences and the guidance of compassionate mentors, you can become compelling advocates for the sanctity of all human life.

Together, through our commitment to life, whether embracing the birth of other children or extending care to the most vulnerable, we can herald a new perspective on human dignity. Let us forge a path of unity and understanding, illuminating the way forward.

Click here for more helpful resources.

Embracing Spiritual Strength: Sacraments and Ethical Decision-Making

In times of life's culmination, the Church offers profound sources of solace, empowerment, and forgiveness. Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Eucharist, and the grace-filled Sacrament of Anointing, we receive the fortitude, courage, and absolution of sins as we approach life's end.

Our informative presentations illuminate the intersection of medical and moral choices, providing clarity on crucial terms and guiding you and your family towards prudent decision-making. Understanding the importance of aligning with trusted advisors, we help identify those who can offer valuable assistance in navigating these delicate matters.

It is crucial to approach the topic of advance healthcare directives with caution. While concerns have arisen regarding Living Wills and POLST/MOLST documents—Physicians Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment and Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment—a more prudent approach lies in establishing your Power of Attorney for healthcare decisions. By doing so, you ensure that the choices made on your behalf align with both your personal wishes and the teachings of the Church.

Above all, our ultimate aspiration is to journey towards God as we near life's end. To organize an event for your parish or organization, kindly reach out to our office. Together, let us prepare for a meaningful and spiritually guided transition.

Empowering Women: Unveiling the Truth About Infertility

Infertility is a struggle for many couples and radically alters the plans they have for their families. While many families grapple with the frustration of "unexplained infertility" diagnoses, this might mark the beginning of a journey towards healing and the natural restoration of fertility. An increasing number of physicians and healthcare providers have undergone education and training at the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, achieving remarkable success in treating infertility by addressing the underlying disease processes.

The approach employed is the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System, which encompasses a comprehensive hormonal profile of a woman's cycle, ultrasound evaluation, and diagnostic laparoscopy. Through this method, most issues can be identified and treated, facilitating a natural restoration of fertility. This scientific approach is known as NaPro Technology.

It is crucial to highlight the stark contrast between this approach and artificial reproductive technologies. Unlike artificial methods that sidestep the search for underlying causes, sever the connection between love and the creation of life, carry substantial financial burdens and involve the creation and discarding of numerous early human lives, NaPro Technology prioritizes addressing root causes while respecting the sanctity of life.

Every woman has the right to know about these empowering alternatives and make informed choices that align with her values. By shedding light on the possibilities, we strive to empower women in their journey towards embracing the gift of life.

Here in Colorado, we urge you to contact Catholic Charities’ Marisol Health for more information.

Parish Resources


Parish kits are now available ONLINE through the USCCB ProLife website - with many items available in Spanish. The program begins anew each October, which is Respect Life month.


We also encourage parishes to promote Respect Life activities throughout the year. For example, by following the monthly thematic guidelines provided in the Parish Rep Manual.


Parish Respect Life Leaders Manual (PDF)
Excellent Websites and Resources to Peruse for Family Issues (PDF)
Children and Youth Resources (PDF)
Post-Abortion Healing – Professional Counseling and Retreats (PDF)



YOUCAT: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic and Christian, Alan Schreck
Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons?, Matt Pinto
Did Jesus Have a Last Name?, Matthew Pinto and Jason Evert
Father McBride’s Teen Catechism, Good News About Sex and Marriage, Christopher West
Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Peter Kreeft
How to Find your Soulmate Without Losing your Soul, Jason & Crystalina Evert
If You Really Loved Me, Jason Evert
I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Joshua Harris
Letters to a Young Catholic, George Weigel
Men and Women and the Mystery of Love, Edward Sri
Not Ready for Marriage, Not Ready for Sex, Chris and Linda Padgett
Pornography: What’s the Problem?, Catholic Answers
Real Love: Answers to Your Questions on Dating, Marriage and the Real Meaning of Sex, Mary Beth Bonacci
Surprised by Truth, Patrick Madrid
Theology of His/Her Body, Jason Evert
Theology of the Body for Middle Schoolers, Ascension Press
Theology of the Body for Teens, Ascension Press
The Scorpion Files: Lies Satan Tells to Young Catholics, Michelle Willis and Jackie Cole
The Story of a Soul, St. Therese of Lisieux
We’re on a Mission from God: Generation X Guide to JP2, The Catholic Church and the Real Meaning of Life, Mary Beth Bonacci