When Avery Newland didn’t make the basketball team this past fall, she knew God had a different plan for her free time after school. Combined with a passion for crafts and the Divine Mercy, Avery started her own business at 15 years old. The business? Prayer in the form of gemstone rosaries.
Prayer has always been near and dear to Avery, who has yearned to share that blessing of opening up to God with everyone. She created Prayed by Hand to perpetuate prayer lives in others through the Blessed Mother or Mary’s intercession.
“I’ve learned that prayer is conversation with the one who loves me most. I’ve seen faith renewed, people transformed and even the health of my own father restored--healed from a terminal illness because of the power of prayer,” she shares.
The 15-year-old feels the tensions of a secular world, as she clings closer to her rosary every day. What continues to bring her closest to prayer is the Sunday night rosary her family says together.
“My hope is that prayer will guide and encourage people to witness the same miracles of the rosary,” says Avery.
Marisol Homes, a long-term shelter for women and children, will receive 10 percent of all of Prayed by Hand sales. She also donated some rosaries for Marisol Health's silent auction at its Light of Life tea event. Avery hopes that by donating some rosaries, more families will grow to have the same bond over prayer as she has.
“It may sound simple but holding something beautiful like a rosary could really change the way someone thinks about prayer.”
Visit her website at prayedbyhand.com to take look at her catalog of gemstone rosaries.