
Monique and her two children get a hand up with help from Marisol Homes

Monique arrived at Marisol Homes in 2019 when her oldest son, Malakai was just a year old. As a young single mother who lacked resources, she felt like she was out of options and insecure about her next move. A life-changing call led her to Marisol Homes, and she relied on the long-term Catholic Charities’ shelter for single women and their children to help her get back on her feet. She and Malakai moved into transitional housing, with the help of her caseworker in 2019 and then moved into a friend’s house shortly after where a steady job sustained her. It wasn’t until a health scare this year that she would rely on Marisol Homes to help get her back on her feet again.

Monique gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Mateo, in January of 2022. Being a single mother to now two young boys was a challenge, but one that Marisol Homes and the motherhood experience helped her to power through. It wasn’t until a doctor’s check-up with Mateo a year later when their situation required a helping hand.

When Mateo turned one, doctors grew concerned that Mateo was not developing at the rate they expected. Expensive hospital stays and sleepless nights piled on. They placed a feeding tube in Mateo, adding an extra level of care on to Monique that required 24/7 supervision.

Her experience with near homelessness in 2019 was a reminder to get back in connection with Marisol Homes again. From the moment they arrived, Monique and her boys felt welcomed back. The shelter provides them with a roof over their heads, a steady supply of nutritious food and access to resources they had never heard of before. They were introduced to a social worker and on-staff healthcare coordinator who could help with medical bills and financial assistance, and Mateo was able to receive the specialized care he needed.

“Caroline (Healthcare Coordinator at Marisol Homes) has been helping me get respite care so I can have time for myself. Caring for Mateo and his needs by myself can be stressful, but I feel supported here,” said Monique.

She is grateful for the opportunity to take care of Mateo in a comfortable environment and has been touched by the kindness of staff, who pray for Mateo and treat her family like their own. Monique is proud to be an empowered mom, and beams as she talks about her 4-and-a-half-year-old son Malakai, who has done some growing up during their hardships and two stays at Marisol Homes, but always maintains his smile.

“My boys’ ability to adjust to all of the changes in our lives has been such a blessing to me,” said Monique.

Despite the hardships they face, Monique finds herself feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time. She is confident that with the help of Marisol Homes, her family can overcome any obstacle.

As she talks to her social case worker about housing opportunities on the horizon, she is confident that with the help and connections she has made at Marisol Homes, everything will be okay.