Saving lives one baby at a time
40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.
Along the Front Range, seven communities gather twice a year for 40-day campaigns and some even participate in 40 Days for Life 365. Catholic Charities supports all of the campaigns and, for many years, has focused time and attention on the Denver location at 7158 E. 38th Avenue.
All told, the campaign has reached 1,000 cities in 63 countries and folks who participate believe their prayerful actions have a positive impact. They believe, as so many of us do, that prayer gives life.
Baby Saved in Greeley
40 Days for Life 365 participants were recently praying outside of Planned Parenthood in Greeley when a utility truck driver passed by. He told them that he had been here before. Rolling down his window, he called, “Hey! I just wanted to let you know that our baby just turned a year old because you were standing out here!”
A local Greeley leader’s calculations confirmed that this child’s life was saved during the leader’s first 40 Days for Life vigil in 2022.
If one day of prayer can yield one year of life, imagine what 40 can do. Join thousands of other like-minded people of faith across the world in this year’s powerful 40 Days for Life campaign, underway now through Easter 2024. One prayer from your heart can give life for years to come.
Volunteers Make a Radical Difference
Just as prayer is powerful, so are our volunteers. In just a few short months, four lives were forever changed—and four more were saved—by a group of devoted servants of Christ right here at home in Colorado.
Through the unconditional love spread daily by faithful food bank volunteers, four individual women pivoted toward a choice for life for each of their four children.
All of them chose to carry their soon-to-be babies to full term and birth four little world-changers that the earth simply couldn’t do without. But what made the difference?
For weeks and months, our servant-hearted volunteers shared openness and warmth to the most vulnerable, uncertain and even afraid. And after many heartfelt conversations and much loving acceptance, these women gave themselves a chance to become the brave new moms they were always meant to be.
So a huge hug and sincere congratulations to these four beautiful mothers, who helped make the world 4x better by giving life to their precious gifts from God.
Let this testimony remind us to always keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to those around us whose lives we can change with just a little love.
Nothing Better than a Grandma’s Love
And who gives love better than grandma herself? If asked about the importance of a praying grandmother, most of us could likely attest to her sheer power from direct, very personal experience.
And even at the tender age of less than two weeks old, so can baby Katherine.
Just a few months ago, complications threatened to cause a premature delivery. But that was before prayer and a faith-filled grandma entered the fight.
After weeks of fervent petitions to God from her and her community of prayer warriors, Katherine defied all odds and arrived right on time as a perfectly healthy baby girl.
And the blessing doesn’t stop there! She even brought with her a wholesome 7 pounds and 2 ounces–not at all packing light because she’s here to stay.
To all who’ve prayed for little Katherine, Grandma is sending a life-sized THANK YOU! And to all who continue to partner with us in prayer for life–a great big thanks, God bless and keep going to you, too.