
Rallying Hearts: Christ the King Church’s Remarkable Response to Urgent Donation Needs

“For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25: 35-36

In response to the increasing number of people in need throughout Colorado, the members of Christ the King Church in Evergreen joined forces to contribute to Catholic Charities, delivering a number of large donations at Samaritan House in early January.

The initiative, spearheaded by Rosemarie Fearrin, the religious education director at the church, wanted to support folks who needed a hand up and newcomers to Colorado. In addition to pulpit announcements, Fearrin and her team created posters to appeal to the parishioners who were able to chip in to support our neighbors.

 “I was honored to help out for a needed cause and knew our parish would want to help,” said Fearin.

“The response from the parishioners was nothing short of remarkable,” said Gina Lanz, the Director of School Counseling and Psychology Services at St. Raphael Counseling. Lanz’s husband play

ed a pivotal role in the efforts, making regular Saturday trips to the Sam House donation center. “Each time, his 4 Runner was filled from end to end, bags reaching the car ceiling with coats.”

People who needed warm weather gear patiently waited at the Samaritan House distribution warehouse and the Samaritan House team unpacked the car, quickly distributing warm clothes, blankets and even new winter coats with the tags still on them.

“It really is all because of the generosity of the parishioners,” said Lanz. We did not expect to make that many trips and fill the car that full. It was a witness to us on how the folks in the pews have a desire to help people new to Colorado, and this gave them an avenue to flex their generosity.”

The parishioners’ generosity not only provided essential items to Samaritan House but also fostered a sense of connection and shared purpose within our community, making a lasting impact on both the donors and the Samaritan House recipients.